Friday, April 2, 2010

The most AMAZING Good Friday ever

Our wonderful friends allowed us to come out to visit their sheep farm on Good Friday.
We were hoping to be able to witness a birthing, but to plan for that would be nearly impossible.

We figured we would be just happy to hold the new babies
that had been born over the past week or so.

Cana couldn't WAIT to hold a new little one!
& she got to feed one too!
(that is it's mother looking on in the back ground)

Samaria loved every minute of it.

Judah wanted me to help, he said he didnt want it to lick him

But he did take a turn to bottle-feed one that needed help.

Well, as Providence would have it...God was up for the impossible
and decided to allow us to partake in the miracle of life this afternoon!!!
This sheep was "in labor", so i was helping to check her out.

Yep...I'm in there! Then i pulled the first lamb out!!!

ItalicSamaria was so incredibly brave! She went in too!!
Then she "birthed" the second lamb!

Here are our baby lambs! A boy and a girl!

Then the kids got to help herd the older lambs out into the fields.

How amazing to spend our GOOD FRIDAY birthing lambs!
What a memorable day!

Let everything that has breath praise the LORD.
Psalm 150:6


Sally said...

oh my gosh that is just absolutely incredible!!! wow!! what an amazing experience and I can't believe you and samaria helped!!!! very brave, you two!! thanks for sharing and what great pics.
love you all

P31 Women said...

Awesome Mary! It was like watching an episode of All Creatures Great and Small! :) You are true Brits now! Miss you guys!